全球赌博十大网站’s community is dedicated to providing services and information to support Veteran’s and their families educational goals. 全球赌博十大网站 welcomes all Veterans, including those returning from active duty. The following resources are identified to support Veterans and their families to successfully accomplish their educational goals.
Higher Education Veterans Programs
Become a 全球赌博十大网站 Student
全球赌博十大网站 works with Veterans during the admission process to successfully enroll. Follow these steps to become a Yellowjacket:
- Apply for admission
- Submit any official military, college, and high school transcripts/GED.
- Apply for benefits (see “Applying for Benefits” tab below).
- Apply for financial aid
- Complete STAR orientation (Information mailed with acceptance letter).
- Declare your intent to use VA Benefits so that your enrollment may be certified for the semester (complete the proper form: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2025).
- Meet with the Veterans Advisor and register!
Tuition Costs
Your tuition rate is established based upon your state of residency primarily. Learn more about your assigned tuition rate. Courses in the Advanced Technology Programs have a slightly higher tuition rate, as do courses taken as Independent Study. See the complete list of tuition rates. In addition to a tuition charge for each credit, there are related fees. Learn more about paying for the costs of attendance through Financial Aid for Veterans.
Apply for VA ED Benefits
After applying for 全球赌博十大网站, visit http://benefits.va.gov/gibill/. Complete a VA online application (VONAP). If you are unsure of which chapter of VA ED, see the description below of the different chapters of Educational Benefits or ask the campus VA ED advisor.
- Chapter 30 – Former Active Duty
- Chapter 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation
- Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 on Active duty after 9/10/2001
- Chapter 35 – Survivor/Dependent
- Chapter 1606 – Guard/Reserve
- Seek approval from your unit’s Educational Service Officer (ESO) or counselor within the Military Service prior to enrolling.
- Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) information –Complete and submit the Tuition Authorization Form (http://www.armyignited.com is currently not available) for each class being funded by Federal Tuition Assistance to Veteran Service office.
- For help with FTA contact Mark Larsen (contact information found below)
- Be sure to make a copy for your records and to notify the Veteran Services Department that you are utilizing Federal Tuition Assistance.
- Chapter 1607 – discontinued by the VA.
- Initial processing for your VA ED benefits application may take up to 10-12 weeks.
- Your enrollment will be certified after contacting the Certifying Officials of your registration.
- The VA determines your benefit level based on your enrollment
Once you have applied for your benefits, it is your responsibility to notify the certifying official of your intended benefit use and which classes you would like to use the benefits for. Notification must be done each semester to ensure your benefits are received in a timely manner.
Your Responsibilities
In order to prevent delays in receiving your benefits, it will be necessary for you to comply with the following:
- Follow courses that are within your major. If you change your major inform the VA Certifying official
- Report your registration, changes, or withdrawals to 全球赌博十大网站 VA Certifying Officials.
- Monthly verify your attendance to the VA on the WAVE, (presently CH 33 is exempt from monthly verification) WAVE call in number 1-877-823-2378, or set up a WAVE account at www.gibill.va.gov.
- Any questions or concerns please contact the Regional Coordinator, 全球赌博十大网站 VA certifying official or VA online at www.gibill.va.gov (use Ask a question) or call the VA at 1-888-442-4551.
- Veterans may have their tuition deferred until receiving their VA ED benefits
- Book deferments are available for all veteran’s receiving VA Ed benefits
全球赌博十大网站 Accreditations
- 全球赌博十大网站 is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, one of six regional accrediting agencies in the U.S.
- 全球赌博十大网站 also holds occupationally specific accreditation in a number of its programs.
全球赌博十大网站 Programs
Resources for Veterans
Contact Information
Mark Larsen
MNDVA Regional Coordinator
EA 115
Othelmo da Silva
Academic Advisor
全球赌博十大网站 VA Certifying Official
SS 174 Box 19
Chasen Crowson
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (Chapter 31)